From a certain tagboard conversation
So Morris had a nightmare about marrying a girl that he didn't like.
[hx]: you probably don't feel too good about some commitment you are about to take haha.
[kai]: I had a similar dream last night!! Mine wasnt that bad though cos the girl was quite pretty.
[me]: yeah i'm a commitment phobe which prolly stems from my laziness. eh mr lim, pretty girl then go for her lah why reject tsk.
[kai]: To quote back from you : *i dun get attached for the sake of getting attached okays.* hahaha.
[kai]: Not to mention that it was just a dream. :p
[hx]: not to mention that a pretty girl in real life has to go for xk first
[me]: not to mention xk never has a lacking of pretty girls (of all races)
[kai]: Why do i have friends like these??
[hx]: so was the pretty girl that you dreamt of...chinese?
[kai]: YES
So Morris had a nightmare about marrying a girl that he didn't like.